
Here you will find news from GELO about our products, our company and the industrial site of Weißenstadt. If you need further material, please feel free to contact us. 

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GELO fundraising campaigns 2020

As a company, we are firmly rooted in the region. We see it as our responsibility to give something back. In 2020, we decided to sponsor clothing for the Weißenstadt winter sports club and donate defibrillators to the BRK.

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Aerial view of the construction site of the GELO Timber sawmill

The Crisis as an Opportunity

It is November 2020 when these lines are written. The year 2020 has thrown the entire global community into disarray like never before since the Second World War. A state of emergency has prevailed since spring 2020, and we all live with an ever-present uncertainty. All previously known fixed points in the year, all traditions, all seemingly manageable tasks have suddenly disappeared, dissolved, uncertain.

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GELO Sawmill of the Year 2022