by: GELO editorial team

GELO fundraising campaigns 2020

As a company, we are firmly rooted in the region. We see it as our responsibility to give something back. In 2020, we decided to sponsor clothing for the Weißenstadt winter sports club and donate defibrillators to the BRK.

winter sports club WSW Weissenstadt

New clothing for the winter sports club!

The athletes received new racing suits and a new winter jacket. Thanks went to the local sponsors: Holger Grießhammer Malerfachbetrieb, Konditorei & Café Seel, and GELO.

Athletes of the WSV together with representatives of the companies, representatives of the committee and the board as well as with their coaches and supervisors.

Athletes of the WSV together with representatives of the companies, representatives of the committee and the board as well as with their coaches and supervisors.


Defibrillators for the BRK helpers on site

344.524 people died in Germany in 2018 due to circulatory diseases. In Weißenstadt alone, the “local helpers” were deployed with the defibrillator five times in 2019. The old devices of the Weißenstadt emergency service were unfortunately not compatible with the larger devices of the rescue service, but this has now changed thanks to the support of GELO Holzwerke in Weißenstadt.

GELO donated two brand new 'Lifepak 1000' devices to the helpers. An ECG cable was also purchased so that the heart rhythm could be monitored if necessary until the emergency services arrived.
“With these devices, we in Weißenstadt are now once again fully equipped to be able to help in the event of cardiac arrest according to the latest guidelines!” says Philipp Jahreis, the on-call manager of the Weißenstadt “Helpers on Site”.


Handover of two defibrillators by GELO Managing Director Wolf-Christian Küspert to two dedicated "local helpers" of the BRK.

GELO Managing Director Wolf-Christian Küspert (centre) at the handover to the BRK’s “local helpers”.

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