GNews - GELO Holzwerke


GELO fundraising campaigns 2020

As a company, we are firmly rooted in the region. We see it as our responsibility to give something back. In 2020, we decided to sponsor clothing for the Weißenstadt winter sports club and donate defibrillators to the BRK.

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Aerial view of the construction site of the GELO Timber sawmill

The Crisis as an Opportunity

It is November 2020 when these lines are written. The year 2020 has thrown the entire global community into disarray like never before since the Second World War. A state of emergency has prevailed since spring 2020, and we all live with an ever-present uncertainty. All previously known fixed points in the year, all traditions, all seemingly manageable tasks have suddenly disappeared, dissolved, uncertain.

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Wood loading at GELO Holzwerke Weißenstadt

What are the requirements for solid structural timber?

Requirements according to DIN 4074-1: KVH must meet a number of regulations of DIN 4074-1. These include the requirements regarding knot condition, bark inclusion, cracks, discoloration and insect infestation. Sorting class: Here, the properties that are decisive for the load-bearing capacity of KVH are derived from DIN 1052. Wood moisture: Solid structural timber may have a moisture content of 15% with a fluctuation range of 3%. [...]

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Buy KVH from GELO in Weißenstadt

Where does the name GELO come from?

GELO is an artificial name. This name actually originated in the forest. In the past, the long timber in the forest was sprayed with the name of the buyer. "Gebhardt & Gebr. Lochner" was simply too long for the foresters. So it became GEbhardt & LOchner = GELO. Especially since the last partners of the Lochner family left, the company has been trading under the name [...]

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This is German rough-sawn planks, GELO Holzwerke

What does deck area mean?

Covering area is the absolute visible width after the tongue and groove are joined. When ordering a specific area to be covered, the covering area specification is therefore crucial.

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GELO Holzwerke Weißenstadt – Quality and Responsibility

What does the stamp on the narrow side of KVH bars mean?

GW 18 15/38 27062006 S10 FMPA means: GW = GELO Weißenstadt 18 = maximum 18% wood moisture 15/38 = tine profile, ie 15mm tine depth, 3,8mm tine pitch 27062006 = date of gluing in the format ddmmyyyy S10 = strength grading class FMPA = abbreviation of the external monitoring body

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GELO quality control

What approvals does GELO have?

Since June 2006 we have had glue approval C from the Otto Graf Institute, FMPA Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart. We have also been inspected by VVUD, Prague and have a glue approval for the CEE countries. Permanent external monitoring is carried out by the Otto Graf Institute, FMPA. We have been a member of the KVH Association since July 2006. All companies that have joined the KVH Association […]

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Which KVH dimensions does GELO produce?

Our KVH production is designed to produce KVH according to a list. This means that we produce almost all lengths and dimensions according to your special requirements. Minimum and maximum LENGTH: Our KVH pieces are at least 3,0m and a maximum of 15,5m long. For lengths over 14,0m, special transport must be organized. When producing KVH according to a list, […]

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GELO Holzwerke Weißenstadt – Quality and Responsibility

What label was assigned by the FMPA for GELO?

“GW” – that stands for GELO Weißenstadt. The continuous roller stamp on the side of the KVH bars also shows the certification and monitoring body, in our case FMPA, the strength grade, for GELO that is S10 and the tenon profile 15/3,8mm. You can also find the date of the gluing and the manufacturer's marking GW for GELO Weißenstadt. More […]

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Why is rot accepted on the stump but not on the top of a trunk?

During the optimization process at the log yard, where the trees are divided up for the respective sawn timber orders, a conveyor belt pulls the log to be optimized, stump first, past the divider. This means that the divider only sees any rot at the trunk cut, which it can then take into account accordingly. It cannot detect top rot. And so that it can rely on […]

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A look into production at GELO Holzwerke Weißenstadt

Why can a blow not exceed the average measurement of 41?

The measurement number 41 is a synonym for a log cut of medium strength with the predominant log classes H3, H4 and H5. In conjunction with the maximum log diameter of 60 cm, this aims to achieve an optimal adaptation of the round wood to the sawn timber cross-sections to be produced.

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Why is the maximum height only 60cm?

The GELO chipping line was designed for the production of construction timber. The sawn timber sales range requires predominantly round timber with a top diameter of between 20cm and 30cm, which corresponds to a long timber class L2b or H4. With a maximum stock size of 60cm, practically all sawn timber orders, even with larger cross-sections, can be produced without any problems […]

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The GELO wooden box – wood factory outlet in Weißenstadt

Can you also buy hardwood from GELO?

GELO also sells hardwoods, such as oak. The goods are produced by our cooperation partner in the Franconian Forest. This cooperation also enables us to meet customer requests that are a little more unusual, e.g. Douglas fir lumber. Talk to us. Mr. Schlott looks forward to your inquiry on 09253 – 955 20.

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GELO Sawmill of the Year 2022